Showing posts from 2018
Branding Yourself!
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, if you have or work several direct sales or side hustles remember it is important to brand yourself. If I've learned anything over the years it's that I needed to brand myself and then incorporate that into all my companies. Below is a podcast I've done on this! Feel free to have a listen. As many of you already probably know I work several companies. So you will find that if you search the hashtag (#) #trendybizmom. You'll likely find my posts as I have added my brand to all my posts. It unifies things so that when people are searching for me or looking for something I've posted they can search that hashtag or google search and find me. Now this may not be the thing for you. Personally I've learned that this helps me!
Where to find me!
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As many of you know I am involved in a lot of projects. I am all over the web and now I am going to let you know where you can find me! Trendy Biz Mom is taking the internet by Storm ;) My newest project is I figured I would try to do an online Radio Station for the Boss Babes out there. My hope is that I can get some more listeners and I can advertise for some other Boss Babes to help spread the word about their business. So You can find me on Caster.Fm. I also have a small PodCast where I talk about Family, life , Business and trying to balance it all. I love using Anchor for my podcast it makes it so easy! <------ You can listen here! I have my own Facebook page where I promote my products as well! So if you are a Facebook user you can like my page and follow me there. Google+ is where you can find me also. Although I'm not as busy on there as I should be :P ...
Let's Talk Makeup
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So here is one thing I don't under. In all the years I've been wearing Makeup I do NOT understand why the makeup companies feel like they have to degrade us as women. I mean have you ever read some of the names they put on makeup. Nars Loves to use the word Orgasm. Maybe it's just me and I'm old fashioned but my makeup has never given me an orgasm and usually after such acts my makeup is a mess and frankly not something I was thinking about in the moment. BareMinerals Eye Shadow named Sex Kitten. Okay first of all I am not 16 or 18 for that matter so I don't consider myself a Kitten. (could be an age thing again). Second of all why would I want to be called a Sex Kitten let alone wear anything with that name. Some people may think it's sexy. Personally I feel like they use the "Sex sells anything" to seriously. Obessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tart named Hoochie. Come on now. Why would anyone like being called Hoochie. For that matter if someone ...
Working hard for your money!
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Take a good look at this quote and it is so true. Yes you can easily dream about how you want your life to be but the real question is. Are you willing to work for it? In order to live your dreams you have to work and you have to work hard, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice everything along the way. There is going to be challenges and there is going to be times that you fail but you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Anymore to survive you have to have multiple streams of income. Personally my biggest goals is to provide a better life for my kiddo's. So I work hard both away from at home to help me achieve that goal. What my kids will tell you though is I don't give them anything. They have learned that they have to work for it too. Earning an allowance and paying for special things that they want. I see it all the time in just about every business. You have the ones who are struggling to make it work but keep pushing forwar...
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Sometimes we get caught up in life and we often go out chasing what we want or desire. We can get so lost the pursuit of more that we often forget what we have. Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at the things we have already. I know I am guilty of always searching for more. Recently though I had something happen that made me really sit back and take a long hard look at what I have. I realize now that I do have a pretty good life and I have more than most. I realized I need to appreciate my time with my family and the other people in my life. This quote says it all. We forget that tomorrow isn't promised. So in your pursuit of more whether it be more money, more friends, a bigger house. Don't forget to take time to be grateful for what you already have. Don't get so lost that you forget to enjoy the precious little moments.
Philo TV - Another Live Streaming Option
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So I know many of you prefer options for TV such as Sling, PS VUE, DirecTV, Hulu and YouTube live. But how many of you have heard of Philo Tv? While searching for options tonight to watch my favorite show #livepd I stumbled across this platform. They offer a 7 day free trial. They do not ask for your credit card but your cell phone number to set you up an account. They later ask you for payment options if you wish to continue service. So let's take a look at the ones we know and Philo TV. Sling: Headquarters : Colorado 25+ Channels for $20 40+ Channels for $25 50+ Channels for $40 are their package options and the ability to add extra's for an extra cost. They do offer a 7 day free trial to new members. And you can watch on just about any device. For those of you interested in DVR services Yes! Sling TV is currently offering Cloud DVR to subscribers who use Sling TV-supported AirTV players, Amazon Fire TVs and Fire tablets, Android TVs,...
I love essential Oils but that doesn't mean my pets do!
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So although many of us LOVE our essential oils as a great way to keep the house smelling good but also provide a natural way to help control that which ails us it could have a negative effect on our animals. There are many oils the are toxic to both cats and dogs. The ASPCA has put out a notice about using essential oils and their affects and snopes as confirmed that it is true that essential oils can have a terrible affect on our animals and can even cause death. So I have found a list of the most common oils that are toxic to our Cats and Dogs. For dogs: Clove Garlic Juniper Rosemary Tea Tree Thyme Wintergreen For cats Cassia Cinnamon Citrus Clove Eucalyptus Lemon Lavender Peppermint Spruce Tea Tree Thyme Adverse reactions to oils include squinting, excessive drooling, scratching, increased breathing rate and lethargy. If a pet accidentally ingests essential oils, you should call your veterinary office or the ASPCA Anim...
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So with the flu ravaging through the US like it is. I understand many people are looking for more "Natural ways to cope" According to the top 10 essential oils for the cold and flu are as follows. Barefut Essential oils has all of these plus some ready balm which is easy to apply and carry so you are always prepared. And they have an awesome deal going on right now! 3 FREE Gifts w/ orders over $15 Litsea Cubeba EO, Diffuser Necklace, Lip Vitality FREE U.S. Shipping with orders > $25
What a Flu Season!
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WOW this seems like it's been a really tough year for the flu. I'm noticing a lot of stories of people affected by the flu. Recently my youngest came down with some type of virus however not the flu and she was miserable for 7 days. However many in her school have tested positive for the flu and my heart goes out to all those who have been affect. I know you've heard it several times but Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. I know it's a pain and sometimes it's hard to remember to stop and wash but it really is important to help stop the spread of virus'. Here is some tips from the CDC to help prevent getting the flu. Get Vaccinated - Flu vaccination can reduce flu illnesses, doctors’ visits, and missed work and school due to flu, as well as prevent flu-related hospitalizations. (I'm not sure I fully agree with this. I am one of those weird types that when I get the vaccine I end up getting the flu much worse but I am in my 30's. I...
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Ladies in today's society we are always looking for Free of this and Free of this. Well have I found some awesome makeup for you! Shine Cosmetics offers #glutenfree #crueltyfree #parabenfree #slsfree #phthalatefree and #leadfree makeup for you! Not only all that but they have AWESOME colors of lip gloss and shines, eye shadows and verstatle makeups. I encourage you to research this company and check out their products. They are making big news on #youtube and #instagram! Below is one of the best reasons for me why I love this company. Considering that I am a mother of two young ladies!
The Struggle is real as a parent
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Any parent knows it's not easy. It can be challenging on a daily basis, however it does have it's moments of being awesome. To those who don't have kids sometimes I honestly envy you. Don't get me wrong I love my family but days like today challenge who I am and challenges me to do the right thing instead of something much worse. So this morning my 9 year old couldn't find anything to wear. This is a continued struggle every few weeks. However this morning when she is screaming inches from my face I had a decision to make, I could 1. Act on my instincts and smack her in the face as I would anyone else in my face. 2. Keep calm and let her finish so I could calmly explain to her that I had given her every opportunity to have some of her clothes washed. Yes I am one of those mom's who is teaching my kids responsibility and making them learn what it's like to work for the things you want. Now she didn't like that answer of course because I'm holding ...
Let your Kiddo's play on the computer & Keep your files safe!
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So I have been seeing it more and more on Social Media Sites, blogs and everywhere else, How to keep kids safe online and protect your computer from their accidents. For the last couple of years now I have been using a product called Magic Desktop. When I was looking for a way to limit screen time, let them play their games or learn online all without me having to worry what they may get into or have them accidentally destroy my files. I happened to just stumble upon Magic Desktop through a search and I am so glad that I did. Not only was it affordable but it allowed me a way to setup limits on their screen time, and that they have to do some learning before any of the "fun" games would unlock. I can even setup that they can't access the window's desktop or search the internet outside of when and what I setup. This program is great especially for younger kids and does have a lot of fun interesting things to do. So if you are looking for a fun, easy and cheap way ...
Today's Public School System?!?
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I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated with the public school system. Now granted I work for our district as a Nutritional Service Aide, but this as granted me access to really see the inside works of the schools. I've made sure to be active in my children's school because I want to know what's going on in my children's lives. One of the things I can say is SCREW this Common Core B.S. Bring back common sense. I understand that it can be important for some students to know where the numbers come from and how to turn a multiplication into an addition problem for easier solving. However it takes twice the amount of time to get the same answer. I know it's not only me who is frustrated a lot of the teacher's at my children's schools are frustrated as well. They see the kids struggling to understand but all they get told is keep pushing, hurry get through this lesson. It really is making me think that maybe I need to go back to homeschooling my...
Barefut Essential Oils
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I just have to share with you the wonderful essential oils from barefrut. Not only are they affordable but they are always adding great New products. So I joined with them after reading tons of reviews about their products. In the picture you can see my first purchase. I received all of those products plus one (not shown) for about $20 with their amazing deals. I must say it was pretty fast shipping as well. About a week if that. It really was like Christmas all over again. I love love love the ready balms!!! I used the peppermint for a headache I had and it did seem to work. Last night my youngest was having trouble calming down and going to sleep. So I let her smell some of the calming I had applied to my wrist and she honestly started to calm down. So then I went and got the sleeping balm and applied a small amount to get wrist, she was asleep within 30 minutes. It was amazing! I highly recommend this company and their products! Keep an eye out for...
Welcome to my blog!
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Alrighty well I decided to try and write a blog. This should be interesting. As a busy mom who is raising two girls and works and is always looking for the side hussle I decided why not share my stories with you. So please feel free to join me in my struggles with daily life, my tips and reviews for things I do try, random rants and anything else along the way. If you have suggestions, ideas or anything else I look forward to getting an email about it. Often I may ask for your public opinion on certain things that maybe I haven't tried but am interested in. So on we go to our new adventure and I welcome you to walk along it with me!