The Struggle is real as a parent

Any parent knows it's not easy. It can be challenging on a daily basis, however it does have it's moments of being awesome. To those who don't have kids sometimes I honestly envy you. Don't get me wrong I love my family but days like today challenge who I am and challenges me to do the right thing instead of something much worse.

So this morning my 9 year old couldn't find anything to wear. This is a continued struggle every few weeks. However this morning when she is screaming inches from my face I had a decision to make, I could 1. Act on my instincts and smack her in the face as I would anyone else in my face. 2. Keep calm and let her finish so I could calmly explain to her that I had given her every opportunity to have some of her clothes washed. Yes I am one of those mom's who is teaching my kids responsibility and making them learn what it's like to work for the things you want.

Now she didn't like that answer of course because I'm holding her accountable for what she needed to do yet failed to do. After about 30 more minutes and some crying later she finally decided on an outfit. It was still a tense morning but as the day went on things got better. This evening she did apologize for the way she acted and knew it wasn't the right thing to do. I told her I accepted her apology but I want her to really think of her choices she is making. Everything in life is a choice and how we react has a great deal to do with the outcome.

This morning could have had a much worse outcome and I am proud of how I handled it when I was put to the test.

#kidsaretough #thestruggleisreal


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