Where to find me!

As many of you know I am involved in a lot of projects. I am all over the web and now I am going to let you know where you can find me! Trendy Biz Mom is taking the internet by Storm ;) My newest project is I figured I would try to do an online Radio Station for the Boss Babes out there. My hope is that I can get some more listeners and I can advertise for some other Boss Babes to help spread the word about their business. So You can find me on Caster.Fm. http://trendybizmom.caster.fm/ I also have a small PodCast where I talk about Family, life , Business and trying to balance it all. I love using Anchor for my podcast it makes it so easy! https://anchor.fm/trendy-biz-mom <------ You can listen here! I have my own Facebook page where I promote my products as well! So if you are a Facebook user you can like my page and follow me there. https://www.facebook.com/TrendyBIzMa Google+ is where you can find me also. Although I'm not as busy on there as I should be :P ...